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This website is just a demo to illustrate the usage of the 3dpmaven AM expert widget on your WebApp.
that enrich their user experience with 3dpmaven's AM expert widget

With the rapid technology advancements in Additive Manufacturing, the complexity grows exponentially. A flexible and cost-efficient access to up-to-date knowledge is almost impossible.Consequently, businesses and users of this technology find it hard to keep up with the innovation to get a return on investment.
Without knowing where to start, finding an answer to a question/problem is like finding the needle in a haystack and very time-consuming.

3dpmaven gets users and businesses unstuck creatively and rapidly through access to the largest network of AM experts in the world.With the 3dpmaven web widget for AM experts, users have immediate access to independent, technology-agnostic expert advice.Without leaving the application environment they are used to; users can find and book an expert for any technical additive manufacturing problem/question at hand.This dramatically reduces time of long investigations and research to find an answer and increases productivity.
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